When we’re not covering writing services for college, other topics pique our interest. For example, we often tend to turn education into an abstraction. We look at the graphs, charts, scores, results, and methods.

It becomes fairly easy to forget that this is a physical, in-person process that molds kids for their entire lives. Where you go to school is often as important as what you learn while you’re there.

But what does this have to do with Cyprus?

Cyprus is a great place to raise your kids

Well, did you even want to live on a sub-tropical island with first-world living conditions? Look no further than Cyprus.

Here you will find the climate of the French Riviera or California, but the prices are very affordable. It is a popular vacation destination even for students or middle-class people, so you don’t need to be a billionaire in order to visit or even move to this island.

Cyprus should be on the radar of every remote worker who can easily flee colder climates while keeping their jobs and salaries. Given a typical IT salary, it will be more than enough for you to start a new life.

In terms of schooling, it depends. Young adults are much more adaptable and resilient, and their social skills are more or less formed. As a result, you won’t do much damage if you enroll in a remote degree college in your native country, and attend Zoom classes from Cyprus.

However, younger kids should really go to school on the island, making sure they are properly socialized.

We have an island that’s cheap, subtropical, and a tourist attraction. Usually, places that fit this description are hotspots for crime. Yet, Cyprus is remarkably safe, aside from a few pickpockets here and there.

Commutes and living

This part especially goes out to any reader who is native to the USA.

Since your country is almost brand new, everything was designed with modern capabilities in mind. For example, the suburb system is built entirely on driving and dirt-cheap gasoline.

In the Old World of Europe and Asia, many cities are hundreds, if not thousands of years old. Cities and towns were designed to be walkable, or at least accessible via public transport.

You do not need to be a rich person to live in Cyprus and have stores, schools, restaurants, and the beach within walking distance.

Also, given the low crime rate, you don’t need to have a heart attack every time your kid walks home unattended.

The experience is of an almost idyllic society where you can drink the water, trust the authorities, and enjoy the sunshine.

Foreigner-centric schools

According to the services at TampaBay Times, at least a quarter of Cyprus’s tourism came from Russia. At the time of writing, the situation is changing.

But the Island-nation can still be relied upon to be welcoming to foreigners. In Paphos and Limassol in particular, you can find schools that are used to teach the children of foreign-born citizens.

Preschool can start as early as 3 and is considered a prerequisite for starting school. There is wiggle room regarding the age at which you can enroll, but finishing the program is not optional.

Following preschools, we have primary education. This too is mandated by law, as it lays the foundation for functioning in society. Skills such as arithmetic, writing, and reading are taught.

Following the primary education stage, we have a “high school’ stage for a total of six years.

Out of the six, the first three years are mandatory. This period is called gymnasium. The following three (lyceum) are optional. By completing the entirety of high school, kids get to take state exams and receive a certificate that makes them eligible for college.

In general, the schedule ranges from 8 AM to 4 PM.

The island’s Russian ethnic minority is centered around Limassol. Schools here are adept at teaching foreign languages such as English, while also providing Greek and Russian education.

Meanwhile, adults can enroll in separate foreign language classes similar to those in any other country.

The courses are independent of any other type of schooling. Western students and tourists from a wide array of backgrounds often report the ease of getting by with English alone. You will need no other language, especially in tourist areas or dealing with public institutions.

English-style schools

English-style schools represent the golden standard for education. This type of institution has been replicated all across the world and is often associated with positive results and upward mobility.

You will need to take two enrolment exams, one dealing with math while the other with English. Other languages ​​are also taught at the school, but there is no subject exam and it is taught separately.


In many countries, native colleges and schools charge foreigners extra for attendance. However, that is not the case in Cyprus.

You can expect to not pay any extra tax, at least for local public schools. Private institutions exist, and their rates can vary. Still, even the most expensive in Cyprus (somewhere around 19k Euros per year), pale in comparison to similar quality colleges from other countries.


Speaking personally, when I first learned about Cyprus, I thought it was a scam. As mentioned, there are usually two types of subtropical destinations: expensive and unattainable, or cheap but unsafe.

Cyprus seems to blend both worlds, as it is a gorgeous European destination without the bloated prices of any other tourist destination.

Life here is charming, sunny, calm, and diverse. You can camp, hike, go to the beach, or enjoy the rich nightlife.

The education is decent and safe. There is very little crime or trouble, the tuition fees are affordable, and if you are Russian, you will find places that are just like back home.