The cost of this Easter’s Sunday lunch is set to cost households 20 per cent more than the last, with key goods such as meat and flaounes hitting the hardest.

“The overall picture of the market just a few days ahead of Easter is not that pleasant,” president of the consumer protection association Marios Drousiotis said on Monday.

He said the key items for an Easter lunch are up by 18-20 per cent compared to last year, while fuel and electricity are also up – with orders taking a hit.

“This year, the orders for the number of flaounes is reduced… I foresee the same will happen for meat, too,” Drousiotis said, adding that Thursday and Friday will paint a clearer picture as to the price from slaughterhouses.

As for fuel, he explained that from January until today unleaded 95 has gone up 18 cents a litre, 32 cents for diesel and 33 cents for heating.

Adding that wages have remained the same, the cost of electricity is another concern – with costs in that sector up by 40 per cent since the start of the year, with the next bills due for a further 16 per cent rise.

Addressing the hardships faced by some, Drousiotis said a member of the public had reached out to the association to say that even milk and meat had to be axed from the groceries to be able to afford the visits to his parents.

Drousiotis’ comments come just days after his unit released the latest data on the cost of goods at supermarkets.