Eighteen undeclared workers were found and five fines issued by the labour ministry’s inspection department during its June campaign.

In the context of combating undeclared work and ensuring compliance with basic labour laws, the inspection department carried out targeted inspections on an islandwide basis checking among others, photographers, florists and wedding-christening services.

In total, 31 businesses were inspected, and 17 employers and 14 self-employed individuals were checked.

Sixty-one employees were identified, of which 28 were men and 33 women, while 38 were Greek Cypriots, 13 were EU citizens and 10 were third country nationals.

Eighteen of them were found to be undeclared workers.

Five notices of infringement and five fines totaling €24,000 were issued.

The campaign’s aim was to raise awareness of the consequences of undeclared work and non-compliance with the provisions of the relevant legislation.

In accordance with the provisions of the law employing undeclared workers carries a fine of €500 multiplied by seven months, unless the employer proves that the period of violation was shorter. If it is proven, then the fine is multiplied by the actual months.

Members of the public looking to report undeclared work or violation of employment terms can contact 77778577