Cyprus has received a net €461m from the EU between 2004 and 2021, Cyprus’ member of the European auditor council Lazaros Lazarou said on Tuesday.

Presenting the final report of his term to President Nicos Anastasiades, Lazarou said Cyprus received €133m for the year 2021.

Disy MEP Lefteris Christoforou is due to take over the portfolio.

For his part, Anastasiades praised Lazarou for serving two successful terms – 12 years – saying that he is fully satisfied after having reappointed Lazarou to the role, agreeing with his predecessor’s choice.

And, Anastasiades said that if it were not for the cap on serving two terms he would happily reappoint Lazarou.

Lazarou responded that there is no such limit on how many terms he could serve, prompting Anastiades to reply that it may not be the case at the EU level, but that Cyprus has placed such limits.

“We have decided to limit them to two terms,” Anastasiades said, adding that even the presidency has such a cap as do many other roles in government and state affiliated companies.

The president reiterated his support for Lazarou and the hard work he carried out, saying that the EU funds received by Cyprus proves that the state abides by the rules.

He argued that Cyprus is consistent in complying with both the regulations and directives – without irregularities, as is claimed by some.