Undecided over who to vote for in the upcoming presidential elections? A team from Cyprus’ university of technology (Tepak) has prepared a list of 22 questions for voters, which can tell them which candidate they agree with the most.

The cherry on top? You can see the positions for all the candidates at the end.

For instance, installing a fence across the Green Line is a solution to the migration problem: Disy’s Averof Neophytou completely agrees as does Elam’s Christos Christou. On the other hand, Andreas Mavroyiannis backed by Akel and independents Achilleas Demetriades as well as Costas Christofides completely disagree.

Nicos Christodoulides neither agrees or disagrees.

And how about benefits to refugees? Should they be abolished if they do not work? Christodoulides agrees while Neophytou and Christou completely agree. Mavroyiannis, Demetriades and Christofides disagree.

The possible answers are: completely agree, agree, neither agree or disagree, disagree, completely disagree and no opinion. Not all 14 candidates are included due to lack of available information, the researchers say.

Responses can be matched up to eight candidates: Neophytou, Christodoulides, Mavroyiannis, Demetriades, Christofides, Christou, Charalambos Aristotelou and Giorgos Kolokasides.

On the topic of same-sex couples, should they have the same rights as heterosexual couples including having children? Neophytou agrees, while Christodoulides is neither here nor there on the matter.

Mavroyiannis, Demetriades and Christofides completely agree.

The candidates themselves were not involved in the process – the responses were cultivated by a team of experts who coded the responses according to a range of sources including interviews, party positions and expert opinions.

Where drugs are concerned, should cannabis be legalised for recreational purposes? Christodoulides has a missing answer, Christofides completely agrees, Neophytou and Demetriades agree however Mavroyiannis disagrees.

On more political matters, Christodoulides agrees that opening more checkpoints is detrimental to the Greek Cypriot side, while most of the candidates – except Christou and Kolokasides – a bizonal, bicommunal federation to the Cyprus problem will be viable.

All candidates were on the fence about whether a gas pipeline should be channelled through Turkey even before the Cyprus problem is resolved.

Both Neophytou and Christodoulides completely agree that despite any ‘irregularities’ the citizenship by investment scheme was a good economy policy. Everyone else disagrees or completely disagrees.

The site Choose4Cyprus is available at https://cy.digipols.app/.