New measures are to be taken to curb episodes of violence and delinquency in schools, the ministry of education outlined on Friday.

The measures come in the wake of the latest incident of arson at a Nicosia school a week ago and an emergency meeting called by Education Minister Athena Michaelidou on Wednesday over the matter.

The ministry has determined specific actions, including stepping up the installation of CCTV units, lighting and security guards in schools.

It also said it was beefing up administrators’ and teachers’ capacities to effectively cope with the problem by setting up violence and delinquency committees, training teachers, and clarifying their role in dealing with incidents at schools.

There will be a simplification of crisis management procedures and collaboration protocols with psychological support and other services.

Moreover, a protocol for reporting incidents on the pedagogical institute’s electronic platform for school violence will be facilitated.

Additionally, topics will be introduced into the curriculum, starting at pre-school ages, aimed at developing a culture of inclusion and tolerance.

As well as these “soft” measures, increased security, targeting lyceums in particular, is to be implemented with more frequent patrols and extension of guards’ working hours.

The CCTV system piloted in the Limassol district is to be widely adopted, following a meeting with the personal data protection commissioner.

Finding ways of integrating schools more closely into their communities, such as opening their premises for activities during non-teaching hours, and making the schools’ social environment more convivial – including through the banning of mobile phones, are also being hammered out.