President of the federation of leisure centre owners (Osika) Fytos Thrasyvoulou on Tuesday said that restaurants and bars in Cyprus were teeming with customers during both three-day weekends, encompassing Green Monday and March 25.

He noted that, all over Cyprus, hospitality venues were about 80-90 per cent full. Even more impressive, he added, were areas along the coast, which were completely packed, with occupancy rates hitting 100 per cent.

In statements made to the Cyprus News Agency (CAN), Thrasyvoulou conveyed his hope that the subsequent three days would similarly provide a “financial injection” and much-needed relief to business owners in the hospitality sector.

He explained that leisure centres “had their due,” with all coastal catering centres, stretching from Pyrgos Tillyria to Ayia Napa, being fully booked.

This, he noted, represented a significant “financial boost” from local customers, which had been eagerly anticipated until the onset of the tourist season.

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However, he also mentioned that, currently, the coastal areas of Paphos and the free area of Famagusta are witnessing unsatisfactory tourist traffic from abroad.

Expressing cautious optimism, Thrasyvoulou hopes that the forthcoming days will emulate the success of the leisure centres’ visitation, enabling businesses to “take a breather.”

He highlighted the special focus on fish taverns on March 25, which took the opportunity to showcase fresh fish, marking their unique contribution to the festive atmosphere.

Addressing the future with a lens of careful optimism, Thrasyvoulou shared his hopes for the forthcoming tourist season, aiming to follow the previous year’s achievements.

He pointed out the importance of working together with the Deputy Ministry of Tourism as a key element in this endeavour.

“We have stated our positions and opinions,” he said, noting that, “we must slowly build and create additional prospects, with new flights from new destinations“.

“This strategy will allow individuals, equipped with the latest information, to select their preferred travel destinations with greater freedom,” he concluded.