President Nikos Christodoulides on Sunday discussed migration with the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen during a meeting in Athens.

Christodoulides and von der Leyen were in Greece for the 15th Congress of the New Democracy party.

The agenda of the meeting focused on concrete ways in which the EU can support the Republic to prevent migratory flows to its territory.

Christodoulides also briefed von der Leyen on his upcoming trip to Lebanon, where he is expected to arrive on Monday.

No official statements were made after the meeting.

Earlier in the day, Christodoulides has a meeting with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, where they discussed migration, the Cyprus problem and bilateral cooperation.

Mitsotakis reiterated his support for the Amalthea plan, aiming to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza through a maritime corridor via Cyprus

The meeting also focused on the issue of increased migration flows to Cyprus, that “cause great concern regarding the possibility of a new migration route due to the ongoing instability and violence in the Middle East”, according to the Greek Prime Minister’s press office.

Christodoulides, von der Leyen and Mitsokis also had a joint lunch.

christodoulides lunch mitsotakis and von der

President travels to Lebanon

On Monday morning, Christodoulides will depart for Beirut, where he will be received by Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati upon his arrival.

The two will have a meeting followed by talks between the delegations of both countries.

Christodoulides will also have a meeting with the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, Nabih Berri.

Cyprus’ president will be accompanied by the ministers of interior and foreign affairs, the government spokesman, national guard chief, secret service director and national security adviser, as well as the chief of the president’s diplomatic office.