The United Nations welcome any effort towards ensuring humanitarian aid reaches Gaza and are grateful to the United States, as well as to Cyprus, for sustaining, with the support of other member states, the maritime corridor as an additional route for aid to Gaza, it emerged on Sunday.

UNSG’ deputy spokesperson Farhan Haq said the UN has agreed to support in receiving and arranging for the dispatch of aid into Gaza from the floating dock, as long as the neutrality and independence of humanitarian operations are respected..

“Given the immense needs in Gaza, the floating dock is intended to supplement existing land crossings of aid into Gaza, including Rafah, Kerem Shalom and Erez, but it is not meant to replace any crossings,” Haq said.

The US Representative at UN, Linda Thomas Greenfield, said in a post on X that “Palestinian civilians in Gaza desperately need food, water, and other essentials. The United States, Cyprus, the UN and others are stepping up. But more must be done – and Israel must do more to secure convoys of aid bound for Gaza and keep vital land crossings open,” she added.

On her part, Deputy Spokesperson for the White House Security Council, Adrienne Watson, has said that “we delivered the first aid shipments to Gaza through the maritime corridor. We are grateful for the support of the UAE, UK, EU, Cyprus, the UN & other partners. Together, we will continue to sustain deliveries of assistance to the people in Gaza through all routes” she added.