The European elections results on Sunday sent shockwaves across the country, as Elam for the first time gathered one of Cyprus’ six MEP spots and Youtuber Fidias Panayiotou was propelled into a seat in European Parliament.

Akel lost one of its seats, in a result that the party general secretary Stefanos Stefanou described as “negative” which would require deep reflection. “We are not satisfied by this.”

Meanwhile, for the first time in its history, Elam has elected an MEP, with Geadis Geadi securing a seat in European Parliament.

With 100 per cent of the votes counted, voters officially elected the following six representatives to the European Parliament: Loukas Fourlas and Michalis Hadjipantela (Disy), Giorgos Georgiou (Akel), Fidias Panayiotou (independent), Geadis Geadi (Elam) and Costas Mavrides (Diko).

Disy emerged as the leading party, retaining its two seats with the re-election of Fourlas and, for the first time, former Health Minister Michalis Hatjipantela, while in second place Akel, lost one of its two seats and re-elected Giorgos Georgiou. Diko’s Costas Mavrides was re-elected and Elam secured a first time representation to the European Parliament with Geadis Geadi. The big surprise was independent candidate 24-year-old Youtuber Fidias Panayiotou who took third place, while Edek lost its seat.

In terms of percentages, Disy received 24.8 per cent or 91,316 votes, Akel 21.67 per cent or 79,163 votes, Fidias Panayiotou 19.4 per cent or 71,330 votes, Elam 11.2 per cent or 41,215 votes, and Diko 9.7 per cent or 35,815 votes.

Of the parties that did not secure a seat, Edek, which lost its one seat, received 5.1 per cent or 18,681 votes; Volt Cyprus received 2.9 per cent or 10,777 votes; Dipa 2.2 per cent or 7,988 votes; the Environmental Movement- Citizens’ Cooperation received 1.3 per cent or 4,742 votes; Active Citizens – Hunters Movement 1.2 per cent or 4,603 votes; the Party for the Animals 0.3 per cent or 1,013 votes; the National Action Movement 0.3 per cent or 719 votes; Zervidis Andronikos 0.1 per cent or 444 votes, and Niki with 0.1 per cent or 389 votes.

Panayiotou held a huge party to celebrate in Nicosia’s Eleftheria square, where he said “we are writing history. Not just in Cyprus, but internationally.”

Disy leader Annita Demetriou heralded the results as a victory for the party, which stands united and is a protagonist across the country, she said.

Although Diko’s Mavrides gathered enough votes to secure his third stint in the European Parliament, party leader Nicolas Papadopoulos said he would not hide his sentiments and described the results as negative, and a “warning sign” for society at large.

The results means that Cyprus no longer has a Turkish Cypriot MEP as Niyazi Kızılyürek, the first to hold the post on the Akel ticket, was not re-elected this time around.

Panayiotou’s victory as MEP at the age of 24 without a political background has largely been seen as a “message” to political parties in Cyprus.

In a speech earlier on Sunday Panayiotou described his win as a miracle, and announced he would hold a party to celebrate, calling on the public to pick a place.