Where do you live?
The beautiful Ayios Dhometios, Nicosia with my dog and boyfriend.

Best childhood memory?
Every summer when we went to my village, Kampos, with my grandparents.

What did you have for breakfast?

Describe your perfect day.
A road trip to the mountains with good company, cold beers and my dog.

Best book ever read?
Lucky You Died Early (Καλά, ἐσύ σκοτώθηκες νωρίς) by Chronis Missios. It gives a deep look into the struggles and confusion of young people, while also showing the effects of failed revolutionary ideas and the search for meaning in a world full of uncertainty.

What music are you listening to in the car at the moment?
Greek Hip-Hop

What is always in your fridge?

What are you most proud of?
Looking back, I’m proud that becoming a freelancer at a young age was the best decision I made.

What movie scene has really stayed with you?
The boat scene in The Swimmers shows the desperate and dangerous conditions refugees face on an overcrowded boat in the open sea.

If you could pick anyone at all (alive or dead) to go out for the evening with, who would it be?
My grandmother, I have some questions now that I am older.

If you could time travel, where would you go?
The day I was born.

What would you say to your 18-year-old self?
Stay away from stupid people.

What is your greatest fear?
My greatest fear is something happening to my dog.

What’s your spirit animal?
A dog! They are loyal, protective, and sometimes out of their minds.

Name the one thing that would stop you dating someone
Putting money over people.

If the world is ending in 24 hours what would you do?
Pet my dog and drink beers with my boyfriend