Where do you live?
I live with my family in the suburbs of Nicosia.

What did you have for breakfast?
A Lemnos barley rusk with honey.

Describe your perfect day
It is the day of which the minutes mean something much deeper than the mundane. It was and will be again.

Best book ever read?
There are many. If I have to single out a couple, they would be Les Misérables by Victor Hugo and Perfume by Patrick Süskind. The first soaked me in the values that fed my… bad habit to want to be fair and socially sensitive and the second revealed to me an otherworldly literary magic that flows and enriches the imagination.

Best childhood memory?
Family excursions to the mountains and the sea.

What is always in your fridge?
A beer.

What music are you listening to in the car at the moment?
I am listening to the same music I used to listen to when I was a teenager and later at university – rock ballads and sad songs. I am stuck on the melodies I grew up with. Also, over the past few years, some exquisite soundtracks.

What’s your spirit animal?
I am motivated by the Centaur because on one had it exists only in imagination and on the other hand it is two animals in one, so how do they coexist?

What are you most proud of?
My children and some of my poems.

What movie scene has really stayed with you?
This is a tough question because I have been moved by many scenes in different movies. I would say the suicide scene in The Last of the Mohicans, where Alice – the daughter of Colonel Munro – throws herself off a cliff.

If you could pick anyone at all (alive or dead) to go out for the evening with, who would it be?
French author François de La Rochefoucauld. He has written the most intelligent maxims.

If you could time travel when/where would you go?
In that space where we exist indefinitely before the miracle of life embraces and activates us.

What is your greatest fear?
Psychological death, the death from within.

What would you say to your 18-year-old self?
‘Malaka’, I miss you but I’m struggling to keep you alive.

Name the one thing that would stop you dating someone
The highly processed procrastination that possesses me.

If the world is ending in 24 hours, what would you do?
I wouldn’t believe it.

George is a journalist, editor-in-chief of the Cyprus News Agency. He has published nine collections of poems and has been presented with the national poetry award twice. His poems have been translated into many languages and included in anthologies. George has represented Cyprus at poetry events abroad and also writes book reviews and essays on poetry