Green Party MP Charalambos Theopemptou on Saturday called for assisted dying to be legalised in Cyprus.
Reacting to the bill on the matter which is making its way through the ...
There are rights recognised as enforceable human rights and there are rights that are informal and unenforceable. The right to die which is no longer a crime in many countries ...
The Cyprus Medical Association (CMA) and Patients Federation (Osak) on Tuesday called for legislating palliative care for all before moving on to euthanasia as parliament prepares to debate the right ...
After much anticipation, Chairwoman of the House human rights committee, Irene Charalambidou, presented a bill on euthanasia on Friday, setting the stage for what is expected to be a heated ...
British lawmakers will soon consider whether to give terminally ill adults a choice to end their own lives with medical assistance, in the first parliamentary move to legalise assisted dying ...
The Covid-19 pandemic has left a deep imprint on the psyche of the nation, according to the latest report of the Cyprus National Bioethics Committee, which was handed over on ...
Hunter trial has brought to the forefront what will be a heated debate in the House
As parliament in Cyprus is set to reconvene again this autumn, a group of ...
As a British man struggled with the trauma of killing his sick wife, his fate was fraught with uncertainty and upheaval
With David Hunter’s court case winding down following ...
The idea that assisting in the death of the terminally ill is tantamount to murder is morally repugnant
Crime and punishment is about prohibited intentional acts that deserve to be ...
Almost 50 per cent of nursing staff agree that euthanasia should be offered to patients who are suffering, but less than half of them would actively participate in carrying out the ...
Euthanasia should only be provided only under the strictest of conditions, president of the National Bioethics Committee Dr Constantinos Fellas said on Tuesday as the debate surrounding the introduction of ...
Six out of ten people in Cyprus agree with the legalisation of euthanasia according to a survey by the national bioethics committee presented to MPs on Monday.
The survey is ...
Cyprus needs to address whether the ‘right to death’ should be as institutionally protected as the ‘right to life’ that states are bound to uphold, House Speaker Annita Demetriou has ...
MPs and the Bar association agreed Tuesday that it was time for a discussion on euthanasia to open in Cyprus, arguing it was a matter of human rights.
House human ...