The audit office on Friday said it had received the updated bills from parliament regarding changes to regulations on public officials receiving multiple pensions.
In their proposal submitted at the ...
By Efi Xanthou
The ruckus over the claims concerning the qualifications of the permanent secretary of the health ministry Christina Yiannaki have immersed us over the last month. I am ...
Men who served the army in Greece are discriminated against in Cyprus where public service promotions are concerned, a report by Ombudswoman Maria Stylianou Lottides revealed on Thursday.
Poeple working ...
The House on Thursday rejected the president’s veto on a law expanding the list of public officials needing special permission to be employed in the private sector after they ...
According to a confidential report sent by the audit office to the parliament on April 12, almost 5,000 civil servants and public service employees are illegally engaged in private-sector businesses as shareholders, ...
Cyprus hopes to tap some €1.2 billion from the EU’s Resilience and Recovery Facility, in exchange for which it pledges to implement a series of reforms. But it’s a ...