Cabinet on Thursday approved the administration of booster jabs against Covid-19 to people 50 and over and to everyone with severe obesity, regardless of age.

It also approved the proposal by Health Minister Michalis Hadjipantelas on the extension of the existing measures against the spread of coronavirus to December 2.

“The Council of Ministers studied the recent epidemiological data and took into account the fact that the scientific community in Cyprus and internationally believes that in the near future great care is needed to avoid a new outbreak,” the health ministry said.

It added that Hadjipantelas told his colleagues that the epidemiological outlook was already deteriorating in many European countries, forcing states to bring back strict restrictive measures.

Cabinet approved the suggestion by most of the members of the scientific committee on coronavirus for lowering the age limit for the administration of the booster jab to 50 and over.

Eligible will be people who have completed their vaccination regime at least six months prior to receiving the booster jab.

“According to the data, the position that the administration of the booster dose should be gradually extended to the general population is strengthened since it is observed that, after a certain period from the completion of the initial vaccination regimen, immunity decreases and there is a gradual decrease in the effectiveness of the vaccine against disease and hospitalisation,” the ministry said.

Cabinet also agreed to include in the vulnerable groups of the population eligible for the third dose, people with severe obesity, regardless of age. This concerns people whose BMI is over 40 or those with metabolic syndrome whose BMI is greater than 35.

More information will be announced by the health ministry soon.