The mayor of Geroskipou is slated to brief President Nikos Christodoulides on a slew of projects the municipality is promoting, including a medical centre and renovation works for the local pool.

Funding is set to weigh heavily in the meeting, as the mayor Kyriacos Hadjivasilis told the Cyprus News Agency the works for the pool require up to €350,000.

The pool is currently not in use but while it operated, it was of European standards and Olympic dimensions, according to the mayor.

It attracted swimming teams for training, and now requires the finances to renew and maintain the pool.

Hadjivasilis is also going to brief the president over the Christoforos Hadjilambri medical centre, which will require staffing.

The meeting will take place at the presidential palace on July 31, where it will be the first time the mayor will be having a sit-down with the new president.

“We are starting a line of communication with the presidential palace so we can promote our problems, as many things have been pending for a long time.”