On Friday the weather will be hot with thin dust suspended in the atmosphere from time to time, while a yellow warning has been issued for high temperatures between 11am and 6pm.

At the same time, the risk of fires remains at a red alert level, with the forestry department calling on the public to be careful and avoid activities that may cause a fire.

Temperatures will rise to 42C inland, 35C the south and east coasts, 37C on the north coast, and 33C on the west coast and in the higher mountains. Winds will initially be variable and light, gradually turning south-westerly to north-westerly, moderate, up to 4 Beaufort, and at times strong, up to 5 Beaufort. The sea will be somewhat rough.

Overnight the weather will be clear with low clouds and light mist in some locations. Temperatures will drop to 23C in the interior and on the coasts, and 21C in the higher mountains.

A relief from high temperatures is predicted for Saturday, while on Sunday, afternoon clouds are expected to bring isolated rains and a thunderstorm in the mountains. On Monday, the weather will be mostly clear.

Temperatures will drop on Saturday and will not significantly change through Monday, reaching close to the seasonal average.

The forestry department warned that lighting a fire without a permit is prohibited and constitutes an offence which, according to the Law on Forests could lead to imprisonment of up to 10 years or a fine of up to €50,000 or both while the Prevention of Fires in the Countryside Law, provides for up to five years imprisonment or a fine of up to €20,000, or both.

Lighting a fire for food preparation is only allowed in the designated barbecue areas of picnic sites, it said.