Attorney-General George Savvides on Friday denied he had re-opened the case of Andreas Loizou’s death as a result of public pressure. Instead, he said it was because Loizou’s family had sent a letter through their lawyer, requesting the case to be re-examined.

“Police carried out an investigation and the findings were submitted to us. Yesterday (Thursday), in our lengthy announcement, we explained the reasons which led us to the decision not to prosecute one of the drivers.

“If we were to evaluate the facts today, we would likely move to criminally prosecute him.”

Loizou died in 2012 when a car overtook him as he drove his motorbike. He was 17 at the time and wearing a helmet.

As the car attempted to overtake him by entering the opposite lane, an oncoming vehicle swerved to avoid a collision, resulting in a crash with Loizou’s bike. The first driver fled the scene.

Savvides’ decision on Thursday made no mention on taking action for the driver that left the scene after causing the accident. He said one of the police officers that handled the case would face criminal prosecution for failing to carry out his duty properly.

He underlined, however, that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. The other officers involved in the case could face disciplinary proceedings if the police chief decides so, Savvides highlighted.

The AG placed a great share of responsibility on the driver who swerved to avoid the overtaking vehicle, saying he should have pressed on his brakes earlier.

In his own statement, the driver, who was 21 at the time, said he waited to see if the other driver would alter her course, but it was only when he realised she was not stopping that he made a sharp turn – which ultimately cost Loizou his life.

Savvides said the 21-year-old had been drunk driving.

Last year, a parody social media account Jho Low, brought the story back to the limelight as to date, no one has been arrested. Pundits realised police statements over the case had disappeared from the website – though the force denied any coverup.

Public pressure reached peak over suspicions on who it may be, that prompted former Justice Minister Emily Yiolity to enter the fore after commentators suggested she was aware of the case. More serious accusations alleged she had received her ministerial post as a thank you for her silence.

This is a very heavy accusation,” she tweeted at the time. “I have no relation with a road death and I call on all of those who published or republished the matter to document their sources or apologise.” She also called on the police to take a stance a matter.