Cyprus’ future cannot be one of a country that is divided and occupied, government spokesman Konstantinos Letymbiotis said on Sunday.

In a speech during the memorial service for the fallen in Emba, Letymbiotis said the government’s efforts were centred around achieving a solution for an independent, sovereign state, rid of anachronistic guarantor powers and the Turkish army.

“The reunification of Cyprus is our top goal.”

Letymbiotis underlined the government was working towards a peaceful solution that would make Cyprus “a symbol of peace, stability and progress in the area.” An EU state ensuring human rights of all of its citizens, offering hope and paving its own way in the future.

As things stand, 50 years on, the country still remains divided, he added.

Nonetheless, there is no room for this division in the future, Letymbiotis said. The goal for future generations should be to offer hope and potential, he underlined.