“We are aware of the challenges but we remain confident and optimistic” said Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, referring to Cyprus discussions of UN Secretary-General’s personal envoy for Cyprus Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar.

In response to a CNA question during the Press Briefing at UNHQ in New York, regarding Maria Angela Holguin’s postponed trip to Cyprus, Jean-Pierre Lacroix underlined the importance of the ongoing discussions on Cyprus issue.

“Well, let me just say that. What is important is that these discussions are ongoing and Ms. Holguin will meet with the leaders of the two sides” he said, adding that “the modality is probably important that the fact that these discussions are ongoing, so we continue to be supportive certainly of the efforts because UNFICYP of course works closely and the mandates are different”.

“We are very much sort of dealing ultimately with the same issue and we definitely hope that these talks will lead to progress in a political dialogue. We are aware of the challenges but we remain confident and optimistic” he added.