One hundred days into the operation of the newly formed district self-governance organisations, Interior Minister Constantinos Ioannou on Tuesday praised their work, despite teething problems.

He said he aspired to a continuation of the modernisation already in progress that would benefit the people.

Speaking at an event to mark the first 100 days since the reform of local government, Ioannou said the initial days have seen important steps being taken towards upgrading and bettering the daily life of people.

He said the district organisations constituted a major shift in local administration, modernising services – such as water supply, sewerage systems and building permits – and making them more accessible and user-friendly. 

“The first 100 days were a period of adjustment for the newly formed organisations. We knew from the onset that such a huge reform would be accompanied by huge challenges,” he said.

Ioannou said the situation has improved but has not yet been fully smoothed out.

He referred to the software being used to issue building planning permits, which was suffering hiccups. “Several improvements are being made and others are on the way with specific deadlines.”

Ioannou said the five district organisations were displaying different readiness levels, possibly due to staffing, training and preparation.