A Larnaca primary school was vandalised over the weekend, police said on Sunday, as they searched for the culprits. 

According to police, three windows at the Prodromou primary school were damaged and the school was graffitied with anti-police slogans. 

According to the Police, on Saturday afternoon, January 18, a complaint was made to the Larnaca police by the School Tax Office that unknown persons caused damage to the Prodromou Primary School.

Officers went to the school last night and this morning and from examinations it was found that unknown persons broke two windows of the multipurpose room and the glass of the canteen, without entering the specific areas.

The unknown persons also spray-painted slogans against the police on the walls of the school.

Force members gathered a number of items to be sent for scientific testing in an effort to identify the perpetrators.

The school does not have a closed circuit television system however police are examining the circuits in the surrounding area in order to gather information to solve the case.