German bicycle-sharing company Nextbike will present a new fleet of electric bikes in Limassol next Thursday, the city’s municipality announced on Friday.

The municipality described the initiative as a crucial step towards sustainable urban mobility.

The bicycles’ distribution is funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe programme, which has as its stated aim the support of research and innovation, adapting to climate change, and creating smart cities.

The initiative in Limassol is part of the framework the European project “metaCCAZE”, in which Limassol participates as the “City of the European mission for climate neutral and smart cities”.

Limassol was awarded with the European Union’s Mission Label for its climate neutrality goals last year, with the European Commission having said the label “recognises [Limassol’s] plans to achieve climate neutrality by 2030 and will help them get easier access to public and private funding to make it happen”.

It added that Limassol and other cities to have been awarded the label are “showing us the way to a healthier and better future”.

The aim of the bicycles’ installation is to create solutions that reduce traffic and dependence on private vehicles and to enhance sustainability and quality of life in the city, the municipality said.

Nextbike is a German company operating public bike-sharing systems in six areas on the island. Renting a bike costs between €2.50 and €1 per hour or €20 per month with a purchased flat rate. Users can rent up to four bicycles per rental.