Cyprus must align itself with European interests
By Achilleas Demetriades
The European Council will convene on December 16 to discuss once more the possibility of imposing sanctions on Turkey with regard ...
By Andreas Charalambous and Omiros Pissarides
The economy in the EU is gradually improving, despite the continuing pandemic. The historically unprecedented monetary and fiscal support was a decisive factor, which ...
I must admit that I googled the plot of the 1997 film ‘Wag the Dog’ before starting to write this. It’s a dark comedy about a US president facing a ...
The trajectory of the 1959-64 events was clearly pointing to the catastrophe that followed
A captivating, well-documented new book by Takis Hadjidemetriou traces the roots of the current deplorable state ...
The four pillars of medical ethics should hold firm under a national health service
According to the Modern Hippocratic Oath there is art to medicine. It is the gift of ...
Presenting the 2022 State Budget to the House of Representatives on Thursday, Finance Minister Constantinos Petrides said the drawing of funds from European sources and programmes was a government priority. Cyprus ...
THE POLICE state is back in action and more forceful than ever before. It has a new excuse for picking up citizens and locking them up in quarantine prison – the ...
By Maria Demertzis
The discovery of the latest Omicron variant of COVID-19 sent stock markets into a freefall on Black Friday. However, markets recovered on Monday and have since shrugged ...
The main challenges facing the banking sector were the high level on NPLs, ineffective foreclosure legislation, red tape and the “unsustainable cost-to-income ratio” said the CEO of Hellenic Bank Oliver ...
The new UN Special Representative, Colin Stewart, took a tour of the buffer zone on Wednesday and on Friday will have separate meetings with the two leaders. Anastasiades and Tatar ...
For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, an MP has spoken out about the government’s unchallenged health decrees that we’ve been living under for the ...
Colette NiReamonn Ioannidou
‘Ism’ is a suffix for many words now: cyborgism anyone? Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Terminator, made to fight unfeelingly as he doles out witty ...
One of the problems facing Cyprus that does not get too much attention is the low birth-rate, which in 2020 was a disappointing 1.3 per cent, well below the replacement level. The ...
By Judith Garber
Across the globe, democracy and human rights are increasingly under siege. Far from being an issue isolated to the “developing” world, democracies new and old are combatting ...
The House human rights committee on Monday discussed issues of gender equality and noted the under-representation of women in the leadership pyramid of political, business and social life. Did we ...
By Mark Griffiths
The term “binge-watch” was a contender for the Oxford English Dictionary’s 2013 word of the year. Although it didn’t win (“selfie” ultimately took the crown), this ...
By Achilleas Demetriades
The House of Representatives is set to vote on December 9 on a bill – which has been pending for years – to establish an Independent Anti-Corruption Authority. The UN ...
The new Omicron variant of the Covid-19 virus was discovered last week by scientists in South Africa and Botswana, the only countries in southern Africa that have the skills and ...
Calls for more drastic action intensifying
Energy transition is unstoppable, particularly in Europe. Despite the current energy crisis, calls for faster energy transition during COP26 and subsequently, including calls for ...
Two recent incidents have attempted to undermine the status of the University of Cyprus
In the relatively short period since its foundation in 1989, the University of Cyprus has established itself ...
FOR TWO days, we heard and saw nothing else but Pope Francis, being ferried from one place to the next, conducting services, meeting all types of people, from the humble ...
From Alpha to Omega but leaving out Xi
Alpha was the UK variant, Beta the South African, Gamma the Brazilian, and Delta the Indian. The Chinese virus is outside the ...
Before Pope Francis had even arrived in Cyprus, it was announced that he would be taking 50 migrants back to the Vatican with him. Ten of the 50 were released from prison ...
As he approaches the final year of his second term, President Nicos Anastasiades seems to be spending an inordinate amount of time defending himself and dealing with his critics. On ...