Cyprus is to impose a “landfill tax” on its local authorities, charging them money to dispose of waste at landfill sites, the environment department said on Friday.
Following a study ...
Cyprus could face massive fines from the EU due to its shortcomings in the area of waste management, the environment commissioner warned on Thursday.
Speaking to the public broascaster, Antonia ...
The north’s ‘government’ on Wednesday night announced that it would privatise the operation of the landfill site in the village of Koutsoventis.
The north’s central tender commission said ...
Cyprus is producing 673 kilogrammes of waste per inhabitant a year, making the island the 5th highest producer of municipal solid waste in the EU.
According to data released on Wednesday ...
The House environment committee performed a useful duty in alerting everyone to the ineffectiveness of the waste management policies of the last 20 years. Cyprus will not meet the targets set ...
MPs on Wednesday highlighted the years of blunders over waste management which led to an EU early warning report saying Cyprus would fail to meet targets by 2025.
The report issued ...
An in-depth police investigation is underway following a complaint that dead animals from Limassol Zoo had been dumped in a landfill in municipal plastic bags, the Animal Party said on ...
The Animal Party on Saturday accused Limassol Zoo of dumping dead animals in a landfill in municipal plastic bags instead of properly disposing of them, saying that the responsibility for ...
A recycling programme has yet to be implemented there: it is burying almost all its solid waste
Recycling in Paphos is falling dismally short of what is expected in Europe ...
Greens are up in arms following an announcement by Paphos municipality that a contract has been signed to create a new cell for storing trash at the Marathounda landfill.
The ...
A fire that broke out at the Kotsiatis landfill Sunday evening was brought under control in just over an hour, the fire service said.
The fire broke out shortly after 6...