President Nikos Christodoulides on Wednesday will address an event titled “Memories of Occupied Lands”, organised by the committee of occupied municipalities and communities.

The event, to be held at the cultural centre of the Kykkos bishopric, in Nicosia marks the 40th anniversary of the unilateral declaration of the ‘Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ (‘TRNC’) on November 15, 1983.

The declaration was condemned by UN Security Council resolutions 541 (1983) and 550 (1984) which called it illegal and asked for its immediate withdrawal. Resolution 550, also called upon the international community to not to recognise the purported republic set up by the breakaway regime, nor facilitate the ‘TRNC’ in any way.

Nicosia said that the unilateral declaration of independence of the ‘TRNC’ is recognised only by Turkey which occupies 37 per cent of Cyprus’ territory.

Anti-occupation and commemoration events are taking place throughout the state-controlled areas in various municipalities, organised by political parties as well as citizen groups.

Greece also condemned the unilateral declaration of the ‘TRNC’.

In a statement the foreign ministry said: “Greece will never accept the faits accomplis of the Turkish invasion and occupation.”

The ministry said that they are in complete alignment with Nicosia and that Greece is working systematically to create the conditions that will lead to finding a solution the Cyprus problem.