Foreign experts have concluded their report on Prometheas, a milestone in slashing electricity prices in Cyprus, government spokesman Konstantinos Letymbiotis said on Tuesday.

“The inspection and report by foreign experts on the upgrading of the Prometheas ship has been completed, a development that signifies a crucial step in implementing our strategy for the reduction of the cost of electricity in our country,” Letymbiotis said.

The report outlines the actions that need to be carried out for the ship to obtain the necessary FSRU (Floating Storage and Regasification Units) certification and operate in an efficient and safe manner, in line with international standards.

“The evaluation of works proposed by the experts will allow for the timeline and the cost of completion of the upgrading to be precisely determined,” he said.

He added that “the next phase includes expressing interest, which [natural gas infrastructure company] Etyfa will proceed with to complete the certification of the ship.

“The completion of the conversion of Prometheas is not just a technological undertaking, but at the same time it is inextricably linked to the central pillar of our energy policy; the development of a reliable natural gas terminal capable of offering our citizens cheaper electricity and simultaneously contributing to upgrading the role of Cyprus in the wider regional energy market,” he said.

The government is, he said, also in the final stages of awarding the contract for a project manager for the completion of the works on the terminal at Vasiliko.

“With determination and dedication, we will continue working towards our main goal of giving households and businesses access to cheaper electricity,” he added.