I participated at FLAME 2024, Europe’s lead natural gas conference, in Amsterdam end April. The theme of the conference was ‘Navigating the energy trilemma’ and LNG featured prominently.
A key ...
“Without extinction, there would likely be insufficient ecological ‘space’ available for new species.”
What? Is this person saying that extinction is a good thing? But what about the scarlet-throated goat-botherer? ...
The Annan experience was devastating for Turkish Cypriots. Who can blame them for being cynical about future talks?
If we take August 1960 as the year of the shotgun wedding between ...
They could do more to support economy and citizens
Over the last two years the Cyprus government has produced mounting surpluses and boosted substantially its cash balances at banks. And ...
West’s foreign policy blunders to blame for migrant crisis
What to do about boat people? The problem is not as overwhelming in UK as it is in the Mediterranean ...
Extreme nationalism always looks foolish or even deranged to those who have not caught the virus, but in India it’s now official.
In January, India’s Ministry of Defence ...
It is extraordinary that the West still buys into the idea that it was necessary and proportionate for the defence of Israel to destroy Gaza
The UN Charter which was ...
Why wasn’t Joe Biden’s ‘Outrage and heartbreak!’ at the brutal death of seven foreign aid workers the reaction of a man who suffered family ...
Ayatollah Khamenei, Iran’s ‘Supreme Leader’, is embarrassed and humiliated by the complete failure of his drone and missile attack on Israel, but does US President Joe Biden have the ...
Egypt desperately needs a major gas discovery to shore up its declining production
The submission of the updated development plan for the Aphrodite gasfield by Chevron at the beginning of ...
History is mostly a matter of dates, and the key date is always that of the last conquest. All previous conquests are then magically forgiven and forgotten.
This observation is ...
Describing herself as an accidental politician, the head of Belarus’ government in exile was in Cyprus this week drumming up support against the country’s leader, who she accuses of ...
Court decided that there was a risk that the Israeli government harboured intention to destroy the Palestinians of Gaza as a group
Last week this column reported on an open ...
What should you do when your government assures you that everything is under control and says there is no need to buy generators, stock up on food and withdraw money ...
There are plenty of crazies in Russian politics who make bizarre claims about their country’s victim status (“the evil West made us do it”) and issue blood-curdling but implausible ...
An open letter to the UK prime minister signed by 600 lawyers and retired judges, including three former Supreme Court judges, expressed grave concern that the UK government is not discharging ...
Be warned: Cyprus motorists could be hit with hikes of 25 cents/litre by the end of the year
By Charles Ellinas
With Cyprus finance minister announcing that he will not ...
Nonsense to suggest Israel is fighting an existential war
By Fahri Zihni
The mediaeval Islamic cleric and wiseman Nasreddin Hodja’s fables and parables, which have evolved over centuries have ...
If I were the British interior minister, I would deport Assange to Australia and let them extradite him to the US if they can
By Alper Ali Riza
Julian Assange ...
There are three incipient famines in the world today, and politics is at the root of all of them. That’s not unusual, actually: famines are almost always political events.
Recent statements by Cyprus bankers that the profitable activities of banks are contributing importantly to the good performance of the Cyprus economy and that large bank profits emanate mainly from ...
The truth about the past should be uncovered and made known to people to avoid repetition
The human rights lawyer and former candidate for president of the Republic of Cyprus (...
After getting into and out of Suits, I was happy to find on Netflix an actor I like, Nathan Fillion, and his female co-workers in The ...
It may seem that the violence and chaos that have gripped Haiti are finally being addressed. The unelected acting president nobody wanted, Ariel Henry, has resigned. An international police force ...