I refer to an article published in the Cyprus Mail on January 10 on the views of the former Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci and would like to point out, that ...
The hunters who, every Sunday morning, gather on a well-known municipal family walk i.e. Aphrodite’s Dog Beach Walk have absolutely no thought or respect for the adults, children ...
Bravo Larnaca for reducing the fireworks to a level possibly bearable for many of us.
I say this as a former war correspondent in Vietnam and Southern Lebanon/Unifil, also ...
I would like to praise garbage man George Rotos for the job he is doing (‘People are queueing up to do this job’ Cyprus Mail, December 21 by Theo Panayides) and ...
I live in Melbourne, Australia, and while watching Channel 9 news about a week ago, the finance segment showed the 10 best countries for Australian tourists to visit because of the strong $...
EAC currently requires people pay a monthly subscription to use their public car charging network (€6 per month).
It’s the only charging network I’ve found in Europe that has ...
There is a major problem with the Road Transport Department and the provision of driving test appointments. This issue has existed since July and is only getting worse.
There are ...
I helped my mother, a 19-year permanent resident of Cyprus, attend the Larnaca court this morning to meet up with her lawyer and submit some legal paperwork.
It was interesting ...
Clearly the current visible, passive policing approach isn’t working. The recent spate of road deaths confirms this.
Merely driving around with blue lights flashing creates a “law abiding” environment ...
Water bills have been transferred from my local area (Oroklini) to the ‘Larnaca’ district although no-one bothered to let us know. Only upon asking Oroklini council where had my September ...
We recently returned from a holiday in Paphos, not having been in the previous five years due to Covid etc.
I was pleased to read that tourism has increased, but ...
How can Cyprus be an energy hub since no financially viable gas has been discovered? The government managed to spend a lot of money on Vasiliko with nothing to show.
For several years I have enjoyed tuning in at mid-day of weekdays to hear a CyBC radio programme of classical music presented in English by Saskia Constantinou. This programme which ...
It’s one thing when hunters start shooting at 5am on a Sunday and wake everyone up, but I cannot accept that they come here and shoot directly on the ...
I feel I have to comment on the rip off charges being made by the car hire companies.
Since 2006 I have been travelling to Cyprus on average twice a year ...
I felt that “if true” the ‘Government pays €6,000 monthly for autism facilities that do not exist’ (Cyprus Mail, November 8) then who is benefiting from that expense for absolutely nothing?
And ...
A meeting of the Finance Committee of the House of Representatives on October 7, 2024 discussed the proposal of the general secretary of Akel, Stefanos Stefanou, for the levying of a temporary ...
I have been reading your articles about the phone banning in schools which is a great move by the ministry of education and has received the approval of the parliament. ...
I was quite excited when I read “Buildings amnesty approved, thousands to receive title deeds”, which was published in the Cyprus Mail Friday, September 13. At last, I thought, the government’...
I went to Larnaca airport very recently to pick someone up. The flight was delayed by about 20 minutes so I had a bit of standing around to do in the ...
Tom Cleaver in Saturday, September 28 edition of the Cyprus Mail wrote an informative and accurate account of the problems faced by pensioners with regard to car insurance.
HIs report also ...
The joint UK-Mauritius announcement on October 3, with regards to the Chagos Archipelago reverting to Mauritian sovereignty, makes one wonder if Cyprus has/is indulging in similar discussions with the British, ...