Cyprus Mail

Take a deep breath and … meditate

Meditation 2

Free online class from renowned meditation expert

Our desperate attempts to ensure our personal wellbeing over the past year have taken many forms, from daily stretches to staying off social media, from drinking vitamins to making an effort to stay connected. Blogs and articles circulated on how to stay afloat during the pandemic’s overwhelming madness, how to stay calm and deal with everything the year has been throwing our way. For many, an effective way to tackle it all was meditation.

Spending a few minutes a day breathing in and out, trying to clear your mind and go within is a tried and tested survival technique. Sounds simple but anyone who has tried it will know that at first a task as simple as closing your eyes and focusing on just your breath is not that easy. The mind is used to running circles yet meditation’s benefits – reducing anxiety, lengthening attention span and enhancing self-awareness – are enough to keep people trying.

Spiritual leaders and teachers have been holding online meditations this past year to help people feel calmer and even in Cyprus numerous healers and guides have been organising live meditation streamings. This January, as we experience our second lockdown, another meditation masterclass is coming up, this one by renowned yoga, breathwork and meditation expert Swami Jyothirmayah.

Swami is the international director of The Art of Living Foundation, an UN-accredited global NGO which operates in 152 countries and also has a base in Limassol. He teaches masterclasses in Europe, the Middle East and India and is currently based at the European Art of Living Centre in the Black Forest in Germany. Focusing on stress management and inner peace, the organisation’s programmes are guided by Sri Sri’s philosophy of peace: “Unless we have a stress-free mind and a violence-free society, we cannot achieve world peace.”

For the first time ever, Swami will be addressing Cyprus residents in a special mediation masterclass on January 24 guiding participants through a relaxing meditation and sharing practical tools and techniques that will help calm thoughts, offering more energy and enthusiasm in everyday life.

“Dive deep into meditation and experience the power of deep relaxation and total stillness in this first of its kind online masterclass with international expert Swami Jyothirmayah,” say the organisers.

This free class will begin at 6pm and will be conducted in English, suitable for all levels, newbies and experienced meditators alike. No preparation is needed, simply register for the event on Facebook (Online meditation masterclass) and get ready to take many deep and mindful breaths.

Online Meditation Masterclass

Guided group meditation with Swami Jyothirmayah. January 24. Online. 6pm-7pm. Free. Registration required.

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